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Meet the team

  Ivan Taylor -  Owner and founder of CreativeOBD LTD

CreativeOBD Ltd was born when Ivan first entered the automotive market in 2014. After children came along, with limited time and his hands, turning it into an established business became too much of a challenge, so it was put on hold till January 2021. His dream to run his own business never left him, so right in the midst of the global pandemic and house move, Ivan had the perfect opportunity to focus on his future career goals. So when lock-down hit, and he had many empty evenings, confined to the house, from here started the rebirth of CreativeOBD Ltd.

Starting off as a side-line business, in a small bedroom of his house, (alongside working full-time as a design engineer at a pharmaceutical company), it soon turned into a thriving business. He created his first website, applied his IT background and engineering experience of designing circuit boards, crimping and soldering, to build his first set of cables. 

In the niche market of automotive cable manufacturing, with his reputation rapidly growing, he could see the vision of this being more than just a hobby. He started advertising on eBay, posting on Facebook, Instagram and offering a wider range of customized cables.

Dia - Full time Team Leader

Dia was our first member of our team who joined us in February 2022. She has shown outstanding and continual improvement in her abilities from the very start, with a keen eye for detail with every cable she builds. Due to her incredible cabling skills, strong organizational skills with scheduling work orders, time management and her technical knowledge of the industry, this has enabled her to be promoted to workshop supervisor, only 1 year into her employment with us. 


 Nikolas - Full time Cable Technician

In October 2022, we took on another cable technician. Nikolas is an enthusiastic and a dedicated member of our team at CreativeOBD. He brings forward new business ideas and is always striving for positive changes in our procedures and work routines. He is gaining confidence in his job role and is building strong skills and techniques in his cabling work.

Jade - Part time Logistics Co-ordinator

Jade is a highly valued logistics coordinator and marketing expert who works in the administration department with Louise. She started working for the team in February 2023 and is integral to the smooth running of the business. She works very hard in responding to our customers queries, dealing promptly with communications, collecting accurate shipping data, sending invoices and ensuring parcels arrive safely to our customers. She works closely with our shipping account managers to ensure we can offer the best shipping rates for our customers. She is full of enthusiasm and passionate about her role and has a real 'get things done' attitude!

Pavla - Full time Cable Assistant 

Shortly after we appointed Jade, we decided that we still needed and extra pair of hands to help support the cable technicians in the workshop. Pavla also joined us in February 2023 and is now one of our dedicated workshop staff members. Her ability to build a wide range of cables and her outstanding commitment to the job along with her hard working nature, has enabled us to get ahead with orders and ensure accuracy in each cable she builds is maintained. 


Liam Rolf - Full Time Cable Technician



Liam is our newest staff member who came on board mid April 2024. Liam comes from a background in telecommunications and electrical installation. Liam joined our team with a view to working within a company that is driven by quality. Liam strives for perfection in his work, he is a keen problem solver and is already demonstrating enthusiasm and bringing his skill set to the workshop team. He is passionate about training further in electrical design and we are already seeing vast improvement in our business due to his expertise. 

Without our amazing team we wouldn't be where we are today, so we are very grateful for all their hard work, skill set and what they contribute to our growing business. 

We would also like to thank all our wonderful customers both old and new, for your custom, positive feedback, loyalty and for recommending us to your friends and family. We aim to continually improve our business with the help of our team and strive for the very best customer service for you and your businesses. 

Many Thanks for your support



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